Request for Instructional Support Form 2024
Please fill this out if you will be instructing either as Temporary/Adjunct Faculty Members (TFAC) or course overloads for FTE Faculty.  
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Your Name *
Semester *
Instructional Support Type *
New or Rehire *
Is this a Dual Employment Hire?
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Named Faculty Member/Instructor Credentials *
Named Faculty Degree Title (i.e. Anthropology, PhD) *
Justification for Position
Please use field below to support your unit’s need for instructional support and explain why your unit’s full-time faculty and instructional staff cannot cover these courses. Please provide as much detail as possible.
- If you are requesting an FTE or non-FTE instructor position, please list the specific courses (including anticipated enrollment) for which you are requesting support, if the course is a major or Carolina Core course requirement, and if all other sections (if applicable) are full. Please also note if the request is covering a course buyout or other issues, such as an unanticipated departure of an instructor of faculty member.
- If you are requesting additional temporary/adjunct faculty members (TFAC) to cover additional sections needed during registration, please list the course and the anticipated enrollment for which you are requesting support, if the course is a major or Carolina Core course requirement, and if all other sections (if applicable) are full. Please also note if the request is covering a course buyout or other issues, such as an unanticipated departure of an instructor of faculty member.
- If you are requesting an overload for a current member of your instructional staff, please clearly explain the need for this instructor to take on additional sections rather than assigning them to a faculty member or TFAC. You will also need to provide the instructor’s current course load (including actual enrollment). Please also note if the course is a major or Carolina Core course requirement, and if all other sections (if applicable) are full.
- Please note that should minimum enrollment not be met, your RIS form will be declined.
Current Course Load *
Course 1 Designator (i.e. ANTH, etc.) *
Course 1 Number *
Projected Section Number of Course 1 *
Projected Enrollment of Course 1 *
Is this Study Abroad *
Low Enrollment Waiver *
Meeting Times *
Online Course *
Course 1 Session Dates *
Course 2 Designator (i.e. ANTH, etc.) - If Applicable
Course 2 Number
Projected Section Number of Course 2
Projected Enrollment of Course 2
Is this Study Abroad?
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Low Enrollment Waiver
Clear selection
Meeting Times
Online Course
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Course 2 Session Dates
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