We are pleased to announce the return of the HBA community building and networking program. The HBA community building and networking program aims to increase student involvement in the HBA by connecting early-stage graduate students with more senior graduate students, as well as senior graduate students with faculty members.
The program is currently looking for interested graduate students and faculty members to be a part of the program’s 3rd annual meeting . Program participants would be paired for one year, from summer through the end of the annual conference. Each year, participants will receive a new match if they continue with the program.
Mentor expectations:
Expectations of the mentor are 1) in the fall, check-in regarding HBA abstract submission and offer to give advice; 2) in the spring, check-in with the mentee’s goals, such as meeting a specific person during HBA meetings; and 3) meet in person at the annual meetings.
Mentee expectations:
The mentees’ expectations include 1) staying open to communication with your mentor, and 2) meeting in person at the annual meeting, and attending the “Meet and Greet” breakout session, the business meeting
“Meet and Greet” Session:
An informal breakout session at the 2023 meeting will allow mentors and mentees to meet face to face. More information about the logistics of the meeting will come later.
Mentors and Mentees are encouraged to meet throughout the year. This year there will be at least one additional group meeting outside of the annual meeting. Stay tuned for details.
If you have questions or comments, please email: Tian Walker(
tianw@uoregon.edu) or Anahí Ruderman