Malone Designs Project Brief
To proceed with your graphic request, please complete this form. Think of this as your means to tell us about the project you have, this can help you get the best value and result from my services.
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Name *
Email Address *
Phone Number *
Project Item *
Provide a brief description of the project. *
List desired outcomes and deliverables, strategies for success, and measurable results if possible
 Creative requirements and considerations: (Format / Layout / Tone / other requirements) *
Identify the target due date for the finished project and include major milestones or checkpoint dates.
 Target audience: (Demographics, Characteristics, Buyer types, Audience types, etc.)
What action do you want your audience/market to take?
Provided resources: (What are you providing for the project? For example photography, copy, diagrams, data etc.) *
References research and inspiration: (Benchmarks and comparable examples, competitors, etc.)
Provide details about what the design should not include and what styles to avoid
What's the best time to call you for a creative discussion from 8 am to 5 pm Central time, Monday-Friday? *
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