Y-Labs | Student Applicants Form
Y-Labs is a selective entrepreneurship, venture design, emerging technology, and social innovation program for talented teenagers, high schoolers and college freshmen who have demonstrated incredible potential in the STEAMS (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, Mathematics, and Sports). Our 4-week program runs from July 6th to August 6th, 2020.

Check out our website y-labs.us and contact us at michael@y-labs.us if you have any questions.

Summer 2021 Application

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Name (First and Last) *
Email *
Phone number *
Date of Birth *
Our program is for students aged 13-19.
Name of School *
Class *
ex. Class of 2021
Current City, Country *
Example: San Francisco, United States
Social Media *
Provide url to your preferred social media site. Example: LinkedIn, Twitter, Instagram.
Time Zone *
What gender do you identify as? *
What race do you identify as? *
Q1. Focusing on one or two areas, in what aspects of STEAMS are you most talented at?  || Q2. In what ways have you impacted others in your school or community? [max: 200 words] *
Please answer Q1 or Q2 in 200 words.
Q6. Would you require financial assistance to attend the program? If yes, make a case for why you would require a sponsorship.
How did you hear about Y-Labs? *
If someone referred you, please include their full name in your response.
Do you have any questions for us?
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