Skeleton Trivia for Tuesday, June 11th
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The verdict for ol’ Donny Trump was unanimous, which as I’m sure most every schoolkid in the U.S. of A. could tell ya is how ALL criminal juries have gotta make their decisions. But didja know that that wasn’t actually true till only pretty recently?

Matter a’ fact, for decades it was allowed in not just one but TWO different U.S. states to have non-unanimous juries. Then in 2020 the Supreme Court said in Ramos v. Louisiana that actually, no, everyone’s gotta agree, it’s gotta be one a’ those unanimity situations.

So there’s Louisiana ... but what was the other state that allowed non-unanimous juries up till recently, beginnin’ with a state constitutional amendment that got passed in 1934? I guess the amendment was passed in the wake a’ this one controversial criminal rulin’, a murder case in the town a’ Scappoose where a fella named Jacob Silverman only got convicted a’ manslaughter (instead a’ first-degree murder) ’cause a’ this one holdout juror on the jury.

They passed the amendment in a special election with a couple a’ other ballot measures—but mostly borin’ stuff, things like a bond measure for fundin’ roads, plus some approvals for a tuberculosis hospital ’n’ an asylum in Multnomah County. It’s probab’ly how the amendment passed without too much fanfare? Ah jeez, I guess the moral here is that votin’ is pretty important, youse guys!

Since that last trivia was kinda a downer, maybe let’s change the subject to ... parties!!

Up in rainy Seattle, WA there’s a music ’n’ arts festival that happens every Labor Day. What’s this festival called? This word’s a kinda old-timey jokey word for an umbrella, which I’m guessin’ is a reference to how it rains all the time in Seattle and youse’d probably wanna bring an umbrella to this festival to keep dry.

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