Country Farm and Home Employment Application
Thank you for your interest in Country Farm and Home.  Please submit your application here, and we will file it and consider it for future positions.
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Email *
Name *
First and last name
Phone number *
Which position(s) are you interested in? *
Are you available to work Monday - Saturday? *
Are you looking for full time or part time employment?  If part time, how many hours are you ideally wanting to work? *
How long have you been living in this area? *
Describe your past work experience and why you feel like you would be a good fit at Country Farm and Home? *
Describe experience with equipment. *
RECENT WORK EXPERIENCE:  Job, Company, Rate of Pay, Dates of Employment *
RECENT WORK EXPERIENCE:  Job, Company, Rate of Pay, Dates of Employment *
JOB REFERENCES NOT PERSONAL REFERENCES:  Name, number, email, relationship to you *
JOB REFERENCES NOT PERSONAL REFERENCES:  Name, number, email, relationship to you *
JOB REFERENCES NOT PERSONAL REFERENCES:  Name, number, email, relationship to you *
EDUCATION (High School, College, Technical Schools) *
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