A warm welcome from Leona! Please complete the registration form below or contact me at
leona.collabpianist@gmail.com. I will be in touch with you promptly about further details.
*All lessons with take place online (Zoom/Facetime/Skype)
Leona Cheung is a versatile collaborative pianist and teacher with over 10 years experience.
She received her Master of Music and Graduate Diploma in Collaborative Piano from New England Conservatory in Boston, and a Bachelor of Music degree in Piano Performance from Hong Kong Baptist University. Her international performances, including appearances in United States, Canada, Europe, China and Hong Kong, have been hailed as "artistically mature, well thought-out presentations".
A devoted and passionate teacher, she gave piano lesson from age 5 to adult. She was the teaching assistant and staff pianist at NEC, taught applied piano lesson for non-piano majors.
Language: English, Cantonese, Mandarin
* 課堂將於網上進行
1) 鋼琴課: 適合任何年齡和程度人士,課堂會著重培養學生音樂感,也會教授學生鋼琴技巧,灌輸健康的彈奏技術。
2) 鋼琴伴奏課: 適合鋼琴老師和有興趣修讀伴奏人士,課堂會教授鋼琴伴奏曲目,學生可以自由選取上課曲目。
3) 聲樂指導: 適合歌手,課堂會提供發音的指導(德文/法文/英文),另外會協助歌手分析樂曲背景和歌詞含意,有助提升音樂表現力。
4) 合奏訓練指導: 適合歌手與鋼琴手一起上課,建立穩固的音樂默契。
授課語言: 英文,廣東話,普通話
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