Rep. Tisdel Small Business Tours Sign-Up
State Representative Mark Tisdel would like to tour your Greater Rochester Area Small Business. He wants to hear how your business has adapted to the inflation of the past year, and what he can be doing in Lansing to help you and your employees succeed moving forward.
Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
Business *
Business Address *
Name *
Cell Phone *
Email *
When can you host Rep. Tisdel? *
Please select all that apply
Not Available
Friday 10/13 (Afternoon)
Monday 10/16
Friday 10/20
Friday 10/27
Monday 10/30
Friday 11/3
Monday 11/6
Friday 11/10
Monday 11/13
Tuesday 11/14
Wednesday 11/15
Thursday 11/16
Friday 11/17
Any other comments and/or questions? *
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