IngenuityLabs Event Intake & Planning Form
Thanks for your interest in working with us on your event! Most events we host are held under the title Your Event Name @ IngenuityLabs, and are specially chosen to help create a stronger, more vibrant and interconnected creative landscape in Cleveland.

We choose events, workshops, programs, activities and performances created by artists, entrepreneurs and area creatives seeking to make a social impact. We hope to showcase new creative projects, support causes, and most importantly help your emerging talent, project or business reach a critical next step. For that reason, we act as both a venue and a helpful partner to your project.

We can't host every event, program or project, so helping us understand your needs and objectives as clearly as possible is key.

We appreciate you taking the time to complete this form as thoroughly as possible. Don't be intimidated by the length of the form - it's a great tool both for us and for you as you plan your event! We're here to help you iron out the details, just answer as best you can. This is what we do, and we're excited to talk through the details with you!
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