Showcase an AI tool
Please complete this form if you are interested in presenting/showcasing an AI tool that has some educational use during MYFest.

Nicola Pallitt will lead sessions where you can showcase your tool and try out tools of others.

These will be curated to be shared later on a Padlet and possibly the AUC Digital Literacies Toolkit
Email *
Name *
Last name / Surname *
Affiliation and role *
Country *
Where you work *
The tool you are hoping to showcase and why you think it is worth sharing with others.  Please also indicate if it is free, freemium or paid. You can suggest more than one if you want to. *
Which of the following dates can you present your tool in 5-10 minutes? *
Are you willing to have your showcase recorded to form part of curated materials from the session? *
A copy of your responses will be emailed to .
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