One Family: One Child Sponsorship Program
One Family One Child Sponsorship Program is a charity initiative of Nepalese Australian Association (NAA). The idea of this initiative is to encourage each family to support one individual child.

The yearly sponsorship cost is $100.
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Full Name *
Street Address *
Suburb *
Email Address *
Phone No
Would you like to receive a coin box? *
If you have young children at home, you may as well want to collect your coin box. This will help initiate the conversation with your children about where we came from and what it is like helping another children of similar age.
I would like to support NAA's One Family: One Child Sponsorship Program and hereby give the Nepalese Australian Association (NAA) my consent to set up a sponsorship on my behalf as outlined above. *
The payment of your sponsorship is due in March of each year. The payment can be transferred to The Nepalese Australian Association, Commonwealth Bannk, BSB: 062319 A/C: 10566298. Please write OFOC-Your Name as the payment reference.
How did you hear about this program? *
If anyone refer you to this program, please write down their full name in 'Other'.
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