RSVP: Decolonizing Practices in the Caribbean Dinner on March 11, 2024 from 5:00pm - 6:30pm at the Africana Center, 8 Professors Row

With Vialcary Crisóstomo Tejada, PhD.,  Assistant Professor of Spanish and Comparative Literature at University of Rochester, NY.  

This dialogue will delve into the concepts of coloniality of being and knowledge and the enduring legacies of colonialism that continue to shape the region. We will explore how coloniality has deeply ingrained itself in the collective psyche of the Afro-Caribbean community, impacting not only how knowledge is produced and disseminated but also the very essence of being. It will also shed light on the practices of resistance and reconstruction that Afro-Caribbean communities are actively engaging in to reclaim their histories, narratives, knowledge systems, spiritual traditions, and ways of being. 

Please contact Chaplain Anthony Cruz Pantojas at with questions or for more information. 
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