PUBG Tournament Registration
Event Timing: September 8, Zone 2 (September 27, 28, 29),Zone 3 (October 11, 12, 13)
Event Location: Online
Contact us at 628-4758 for more information

Each Squad will be made up of 4 members. Each member is required to pay a registration fee of $20 and the Squad Capital is responsible for making one (1) deposit of $80 for the team. You get 1 free sub
Sign up now and pay before September 6 to get into day 1


*Bank Information*
Atlantic Bank: 100289581
Name: A&S Covers
Online name: Armando Perez T/A A & S covers

Scotia Bank: 9142179
Name: A & S Covers
Branch: Albert street  (91595)

Squad Name *
Squad Captain's Email *
Squad Captain Number *
Squad Captain - [Belizean #1] ( full name and PUBG username) *
Armando Perez ( ArmandoP147)  ***If the username is changed after registration, the new username must be registered for the player to play in the tournament***
Squad Members #2 [Belizean #2]( full name and PUBG username) *
Armando Perez ( ArmandoP147)  ***If the username is changed after registration, the new username must be registered for the player to play in the tournament***
Squad Members #3 ( full name and PUBG username) *
Armando Perez ( ArmandoP147)  ***If the username is changed after registration, the new username must be registered for the player to play in the tournament***
Squad Members #4 ( full name and PUBG username) *
Armando Perez ( ArmandoP147)  ***If the username is changed after registration, the new username must be registered for the player to play in the tournament***
Alternate Member( full name and PUBG username) *
Armando Perez ( ArmandoP147)  ***If the username is changed after registration, the new username must be registered for the player to play in the tournament***
What day will you attend? *
I understand that I will have to pay $20 per member to complete my registration. *
I understand that my image and name/username may be used for picture ads and/or live stream videos promoting A&S Covers products. *
I understand that if my team wins I will be responsible to show up and take pictures that will be used as advertisement by A&S Covers. *
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