Family Volunteer Interest Survey 2023-24
Evergreen is grounded in the philosophy that all community members will work together to ensure the success of each child at Evergreen. We are crew. We depend on volunteers.

Families are encouraged to find a variety of ways to contribute their time and talents to fulfill their monthly volunteer commitment. Please select one or more of the Parent Committees or Board Committees that fit you best.

Volunteer hours can also be filled with individual equity work or equity work in the larger community. This can include equity trainings, neighborhood book clubs, etc.

Each family member should complete their own survey. Please feel free to share with local grandparents, or other chosen family members who want to be more involved.
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Parent/Guardian Name: *
Parent/ Guardian Email *
Parent/ Guardian Phone *
Student Grade(s) *
Student Name(s) *
I understand that my email address will be shared with one or two other parents or guardians in my student's grade level who have agreed to facilitate communication about school-related activities. I am fine having my email shared in this way. *
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