Re-Embodiment Training Application Form
Welcome to the Re-Embodiment Training application.  

I am delighted to hear of your interest in the Re-Embodiment Training (RT) course.  
There is profound wisdom in our bodies, and so much potential to change our lives as we discover how to listen to and move from that wisdom.  

Upon your application being accepted, I will check in with you about dates and other logistics to confirm your registration and I will send you the RT intake form.   With your responses to the intake form, I will begin planning the course.


Time Commitment:
10 weekly 1.5hr in-person somatic movement education sessions, (15 hours total)
10 weekly 30 minute practice support/accountability check-in phone calls, (5 hours total)
1-4 hours of personalized homework outside of class.  Homework may include readings, somatic skills practices, audio talks/videos, and themed explorations.
Daily practice time, amount TBD

Course Dates: Together, we'll set our weekly sessions and accountability phone calls to match our schedules.  Generally, my availability is set within the 9-5 weekday rhythm, though I can occasionally make evening options available.

Location: The Everything Space [64 main street- 3rd floor, Montpelier, Vermont], with possible field trips to outdoor locations in central VT

Financial Aid/Accessibility options:
  • Shame-free payment plans are possible for this course.  Please indicate this when applying.
  • Accessibility/Community Support Tiers:
    • Please read through our cost structure frameworks to how we map the different tuition costs and to find yourself within that map.
    • Discounted for BIPOC Solidarity cost/tuition is $1000-5500.
    • The two tiers discounted for Supporting Community Access cost/tuition are $1350 and $1750.

Please read this ( to map yourself into the appropriate payment tier.  

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Email *
Name, pronouns *
Phone Number *
How did you hear about the Re-Embodiment Training course? *
What interests you in this course? *
Which sessions are you able to schedule the 20 hours within? *
A session is a period of time in which your course can take place.  In general, we aim for courses to meet for weekly for 10 weeks.  We will plan around scheduled absences (yours or mine) and also set up 2 back-up classes, to have a plan for unexpected circumstances.  There are a limited number of spots for each session, so please check which ones could work for you.  You can add any comments/preferences in the next section.
Please add any comments about the above selections, including specific preferences.  
What are general time availabilities?
Not all these times are available on each day, but this information helps me get a sense of what could be possible.
The amount of homework for the course can be augmented to meet your needs.  How many hours are you able to set aside for homework each week? *
Homework may include readings, somatic skills practices, audio talks/videos, and themed explorations.  
What tier of tuition are you able to pay?  Would payment plans support you in covering the cost?
Financial Aid/Accessibility options:
  • Shame-free payment plans are possible for this course.  Please indicate this when applying.
  • Accessibility/Community Support Tiers:
    • Please read through our cost structure frameworks to how we map the different tuition costs and to find yourself within that map.
    • Discounted for BIPOC Solidarity cost/tuition is $1000-5500.
    • The two tiers discounted for Supporting Community Access cost/tuition are $1350 and $1750.
 Please read here for more details about how to locate yourself in the appropriate payment tier:
Thank you for your application.  

Upon submitting, you'll receive a confirmation message that will give you a link to set up a 30 Minute Phone Call. 
In this call, we'll make space to ask questions, get to know each other, and make sure we are a good fit for working together.  It's important to me that we both feel like I am able to support you in your re-embodiment journey and practice "consentful acceptance" of the course.   

Upon acceptance, and to confirm your participation, a $250 non-refundable deposit will be required.  
Venmo: @amafranza (last 4 digits: 2629) Please write RT in the comment.

After the call, please expect 1-4 weeks for the scheduling magic to happen. 
Why does it take so long?  Because the number of available spots are limited and the scheduling is specific to each person, it takes some time to map out folks availabilities and then puzzle together a coherent schedule.  Thanks for your patience.  
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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