CST Therapy - Client Information Form
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About this form
Thank you for signing up to attend Craniosacral Therapy. 

We have sent you this form to be able to provide you with the utmost care and to make the most out of our sessions together. 

We would like to kindly ask you to take the time to share your health history in this form, as well as anything you feel would be relevant to our sessions together. Please ensure that you only share the information that you are comfortable with sharing - please do not feel pressured as we are here to support you and we are more than happy to discuss your circumstances during our appointment. 

Filling out this form is optional, but by filling it out, we are able to make the most out of our sessions, as we are able to plan for and prepare prior to your arrival. 

Whilst all questions are in English, you can fill out this form in Polish or English - you are more than welcome to fill this out in the language most comfortable to you. 
Your Privacy
Your data will be kept safe and secure by us and we promise that we will never share your information with anyone else. We keep records online, but we ensure to use encryption for emails and our online platforms are also kept very secure.

Please let us know if you have any information about your data privacy. 
You can also find our full privacy policy on our website.
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