Join the Alberta Rural Connectivity Coalition
The Alberta Rural Connectivity Coalition advocates for universal access to high-speed internet at an affordable price for all Albertans, including those living in rural, remote, First Nations and Metis Settlements communities. The coalition is pushing for multiple levels of government to immediately take steps to provide funding — and other forms of regulatory relief — for telecommunications infrastructure in Alberta’s rural communities. These actions should be made a priority for areas in the province that are suffering from a lack of access to modern, high-speed internet access.

We welcome public groups, not-for-profits, academics and individuals to join the Alberta Rural Connectivity Coalition. By filling out the form, you are providing your or your organization’s public endorsement of the coalition declaration.

“Access to a high-speed internet connection at affordable rates is a basic right for all Albertans. All levels of government must take immediate steps to ensure that those Albertans without access to a high-speed internet connection, including those in rural, remote, First Nations communities and Metis Settlements, are connected to a modern internet connection at an affordable rate.”
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