LIPG Membership Form - 2023/24
The LIPG provides an energetic, productive and friendly space for conference interpreters to boost their interpreting practice and connect with colleagues. Our mission is to offer peer-supported interpreting practice (both simultaneous and consecutive) for conference interpreters with English as one of their working languages.

The practice sessions take place on the first Monday of the month on Zoom from 6.30 PM - 8.30 PM (UK time). These monthly practice sessions are an excellent opportunity for members to establish a consistent practice routine and easily invest in their CPD every month.

For more information you can visit our website:
You may contact us through:
You may become a full member after your membership has been accepted by making payment of the £12 yearly membership fee (Sep. 2023 - July 2024) here: These funds are solely for the purpose of covering the Zoom license and website maintenance as the group is run by volunteers.

Name *
What is your language combination? *
How many days of conference interpreting have you done?
Do you have any conference interpreting qualification? *
What topics are you interested in practising? *
Where and when did you study conference interpreting? Please, specify what University, institution or course you have attended.  *
Are you part of a conference interpreting association? *
What email can we use to contact you? Please, take into account that we include our emails in the Attendance Sheet, other member of the LIPG can see it. *
If I am granted membership, I am aware that all the speeches prepared for the purpose of interpreting practice will be shared with the wider community and by applying for next year's membership I hereby agree to that.
What is your telephone number?
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