Degrees of Comparison
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School / Village *
No other man was as strong as Hercules.  (Identify the Degree) *
1 point
 Iron is more useful than any other metal.  (Identify the Degree) *
1 point
Supriya is smarter than any other girl in the class. (Identify the Degree) *
1 point
No other girl in the class is as smart as Supriya.(Identify the Degree) *
1 point
Shakespeare more famous than any other writer in English. (Change into Positive degree) *
1 point
Shyam is the strongest boy in the class.  (Change into Comparative degree) *
1 point
Greenland is larger than any other island in the world. (Change into Superlative Degree) *
1 point
No other boy in the class is as intelligent as James.  (Change into Superlative Degree) *
1 point
London is bigger than any other city in the world. (Change into Positive Degree) *
1 point
Priya is smarter than any other in the class. (Change into Superlative Degree) *
1 point
No other boy in the class is as tall as Pritam. (Change into comparative degree) *
1 point
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