NAREB has many committees where you can let your talents shine. Together we can make a meaningful impact.
We have lots of work to accomplish and as a team, we can get this done.
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MEMBERSHIP                                                                                                                                                              1] Aid in the Membership campaign;                                  2] Study problems affecting the welfare of members. *
BUDGET AND FINANCE: ​ ​​​1] Aid in preparing a proposed budget. *
EDUCATION:  1] Aid in keeping DAR members informed on Real Estate laws, Civil Rights Laws, and similar public policies 2] Conduct workshops for the membership. *
PUBLIC AFFAIRS/PUBLIC RELATIONS: ​​​​1] Study public policy proposals and recommend actions when deemed 2] Prepare resolutions concerning legislative proposals to be presented to the Resolution committee of state and national organizations with which DAR is affiliated 3] Establish contacts with the media. *
First and Last Name *
Email *
Phone *
Are you open to being a lead of a Committee? *
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