The Illustrated Mum (Domain 2C) Jacqueline Wilson
The following questions are designed to allow upper KS2 pupils to practise and apply their skills of Content Domain 2C. They have been written in a progressive order, and using different question types, to support KS2 pupils of different abilities. Depending on the reading age of pupils, the text can be read by an adult or read independently by a pupil,  with questions being answered independently or in discussion with the teacher. Please see further resources for Content Domain 2A, 2B, 2D, 2E & 2F using this text.

2C:To be able to identify main ideas drawn from more than one paragraph and summarise ideas.

Questions based on extract taken from page 42 - 45
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Summarise in no more than five lines the main events from pages 42 - 45 from the perspective of Dolphin. *
5 points
Look at the information given about Marigold from pages 42 - 45. Identify the main points you are told about her and her lifestyle and explain why each point is important. *
2 points
Look at the information given about Marigold from pages 42 - 45. Identify the three main points where the author alludes to the fact Marigold is unwell and unhappy. Explain your points fully using evidence from the text. *
3 points
Based on the information given on page 42- 45, show how the mood and atmosphere changes during the chapter. Use information and quotes from the text to explain your reasoning. *
3 points
Based on what you have read on page 42 - 45, explain how Dolphin’s mood changes throughout the chapter. Does it stay the same? Why? Explain your answer fully using evidence from the text. *
2 points
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