CHSR 97.9 FM Membership Form (2024-2025)
This is the Membership Form for the Fredericton Radio Club associated with the campus-based community alternative radio station CHSR 97.9 FM, located in the Student Union Building on UNB Campus in Fredericton, NB, Canada. Find out more at .

This form is for new members only. If you are a returning member, please visit .

All member forms are reviewed by the Staff and/or Executive Committee. Please make sure your contact information is up-to-date. Once we have received your form, you'll be contacted to schedule training sessions with you.

The membership fee for the 2024-2025 year is $10 for UNB and STU students, $25 for everyone else. Memberships run from September to September, and any fees collected contribute to club funds and to the station, enabling us to do collective events and special things at the station.

Membership forms are reviewed as quickly as possible, but depending on volume or other workload, it can take a little longer than we'd like. If you don't hear anything within one week, please send us an email at .

Thanks for your interest in joining the station. Please fill out this membership form fully so we can get to know you!
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