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St Thomas More Language College - Waiting List Supplementary Information Form to be completed by all parents/guardians
You must complete our Local Authority’s Secondary School In-Year Admission Common Application Form for your application to be added to our Waiting List. You can do this via their website:
Parents can obtain a Certificate of Catholic Practice from the Priest at the Parish where they normally worship.
Applicants from other Christian denominations and other faiths may attach a reference from their minister or religious leader.
References will be taken up and an interview arranged should a place become available.
A place on the waiting list does not mean an automatic offer of a place at St Thomas More Language College.
Checklist - have you sent in:
Copy of Baptism Certificate
Certificate of Catholic Practice (where necessary)
Evidence of exceptional need (where appropriate)
Copy of your child’s most recent school report
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* Indicates required question
Your email
Applicant Details
(child's details)
Child's Surname
Your answer
Child's First Name(s)
Your answer
Date of Birth
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Home: full postal address (place where your child lives for more than 50% of the school week)
Your answer
Home Postcode
Your answer
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