The 5Q Survey: SteamPink Week
This survey just needs to be completed ONCE.
It will count towards all SteamPink giveaways.
Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
Name or Alias *
Email *
1- Now that you've got a better idea of steampunk,
how likely are you to read a steampunk novel this year?
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2a- Which books caught your interest this week?
Romance gauge: heavy (not recommended for those under age 18)
2b- Which books caught your interest this week?
Romance steam gauge: medium
2c- Which books caught your interest this week?
Romance steam gauge: light
2d- Which books caught your interest this week?
Romance steam gauge: none
3- If I sent you a steampunk novel would you be able to read
AND review it in the next 3 months?
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4- When do you prefer to participate in virtual events like these?
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5- Would you be interested in participating as one of the following
for a future vvb event?
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