2. What is the name of the warehouse forklift driver?
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3. How old is Sal?
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4. Which shape is most common in the pattern on a plaid garment?
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5. Sal and Vince’s journey begins in the state of Washington. What is their destination?
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6. What do Sal and Vince say they both liked to do when they were little kids?
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7. What types of products were Sal and Vince carrying in their truck?
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8. What is unusual about the trailer attached to Sal's Truck?
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9. Why did Frank offer Sal a cup of coffee?
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10. Which of these is not an example of a gauge on a truck dashboard?
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11. Which of these statements best describes Sal’s work ethic?
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12. What did Sal and Vince talk about while they were driving?
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13. In listening to the banter (small talk) between the two drivers, which man do you think had a more stressful, negative experience back when he was in high school?
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14. At the beginning of Chapter 3, the word 'light' is used in a sentence that says, “It was about 10 AM and the traffic on the interstate was pretty 'light'.” In which sentence below is the word 'light' used with the same meaning as it is in the story?
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15. According to Sal, what were some techniques that drivers used to stay alert when driving, to avoid falling asleep?
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16. In Chapter 4, 'fog' is mentioned as a hazard for drivers traveling along the highway through the central valley farmlands of California. What is 'fog'?
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17. Which word below describes memories that come back into the mind of a person about their past experiences, like going to the movies, or a dance with friends in high school?
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18. Which of these are forms of martial arts?
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19. At the beginning of Chapter 5, it says that, “Sal pulled his truck in behind a half dozen others that were waiting to refuel, two in each lane.“ Based on the description in this sentence, how many refueling lanes does the truck stop have?
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20. For safety reasons in the United States, truck drivers are limited in the number of hours they can drive each day (in a 24 hour period). What is the federal limit for the number of hours a driver can drive?
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21. Which are expenses that independent truckers are responsible for paying for?
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22. What did Sal say he felt indebted to his father for?
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23. What lesson did Sal say he was thankful for, that he learned from his father?
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24. What event upset Michael that caused him to hide under the diner table?
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25. What was the setting of the joke that Sal told to Vince?
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26. What was the reason that Vince had to take a detour off of their planned route?
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27. What was it about the tunnel that made passing through it a concern for Vince?
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28. What initially made checking to see if the tunnel was passable difficult for Vince?
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29. What driving strategies did Vince use to show cautiousness as he got back in the truck and entered the tunnel?
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30. How would most readers characterize Sal’s reaction to finding out that Vince had gotten his truck stuck in the tunnel?
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31. What did Sal do when he realized that traffic was forming on the road behind the truck?
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32. How would most readers characterize the waiting car drivers’ reaction to the news that they would have to wait until the truck could be moved?
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33. What were some of the activity items the boy had in the back seat of the car to keep himself occupied?
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34. What was Flo’s suggestion to Sal to get the truck unstuck from the ceiling of the tunnel?
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35. Which choice below is a synonym for the phrase 'Good Samaritan'?
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36. Who participated in helping get the truck unstuck using Michael’s idea?
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37. What would most readers feel was the most meaningful gesture Sal and Vince made to Michael to show their appreciation for his help?