Nomination For SAPA Board
Use this form to Nominate for the South Australian Parkour Association's Board for 2021/22 as will be voted on and elected at the 2021 AGM on Oct 17th. (We must receive your nomination 7 days prior to the AGM).

Board will consist of 6-12 Members: 4 Office Holders and 2-8 Ordinary members of the Board.

Find a list of the expectations of the Board here:

You need to be a association member in order to serve on the Board. We will be inducting new association members at the start of the AGM, but you can contact the Secretary to complete your application beforehand if you like. Applications are free of charge and confer voting rights at General Meetings of the Association.
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Name *
For which position are you nominating? *
You can only select one.
Please write a short statement on why you'd like to nominate for the Board
If you are not present and your position is contested, this will be read to the members before the vote. If you are present you make speak briefly instead.
List two members of the association who support your nomination
Nominations must be supported by two members of the Association. The current board are association members. If you do not know who these are please email
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