CNBC Make It: Millennial Money casting application
Hi there! So you'd like to be featured in an episode of Millennial Money? We have a few questions.
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Name *
Email *
Phone number *
Age *
Gen Z to baby boomers welcome to apply!
Annual salary (pre-tax) *
Home city and state *
Where are you currently living?
Job title *
Link to LinkedIn profile
Link to Instagram profile
Link to YouTube channel
Marital status *
Do you have kids? *
Tell us about your background, and how you grew up relating to money. *
What's been your biggest challenge in life so far? *
What's the biggest money mistake you've made? *
What do you do for fun? *
What's the most interesting thing about you? *
What are your big picture goals? *
If applying to Millennial Money as a couple, tell us a little about your partner.
How much do they make? What do they do?
Send us a link to a short intro video 👋
Are you comfortable providing the following information? *
Proof of income, proof of assets, proof of savings, proof of retirement savings, proof of debt repayment, proof of spending
Any additional questions or comments?
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