Swap App
Swap is a website and smartphone application that will provide college students a place to buy and sell furniture, books,  house hold items, and other college necessities. Additionally, students can offer their tutoring, moving, transportation, and cleaning services to other students. In order for a student to use this app/website they will need to show proof that they are a student of an accredited university by using their school email. Once on the app, students will have the opportunity to post pictures of the books and furniture they are selling, and will be charged a small amount of money as a posting fee on our app. Potential buyers can use the app to search for the books/furniture/items they need, and can contact the seller to negotiate prices.

Our app will also have a messaging service allowing students to discuss services like tutoring, cleaning, and transportation. For these other services, students can post the skills they offer, and post fees for their services.  The app will charge a fee to sellers offering their services.

We all know how unorganized college life can be, but with Sway we hope to save you time, money, and the stress of college life.

This survey has been approved by Augustana College's Institutional Review Board.
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Are you currently a college student?
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How likely would you be to download and try SWAP to buy and sell items?
(Not likely)
(Very likely)
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If a college student, what year are you?
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What type of housing do you have?
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Do you currently need to buy furniture to outfit where you live?
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How often do you buy furniture, or anticipate to buy furniture, every year you move into a new place during college?
Almost never
Almost every year
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How many times a year do you shop for second hand items such as furniture?
How likely would you be to offer cleaning services to other students on SWAP?
Not likely
Very likely
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When you graduate college, are you more likely to take your furniture with you, or would you try to sell it?
I will take most furniture home or with me
I would try to sell most of my furniture
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How likely would you be to offer tutoring services to other students on SWAP?
Not likely
Very likely
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How likely would you be to offer transportation (Uber like) services to other students on SWAP?
Not likely
Very likely
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How comfortable would you be to receive a virtual payment (ex: Venmo) as opposed to cash for your products or services?
Not comfortable - I want cash
Very comfortable - I am ok with virtual payment
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How much would you be willing to pay as a listing fee to help sell your books, furniture, and household items? Please answer as a number in dollars and cents.
How much would you be willing to pay as a listing fee to market your services (tutoring, cleaning, transportation)? Please answer as a number in dollars in cents.
If SWAP was to charge a % fee of the listing price of your items (furniture, books, ect), how big of a percentage of the listing price are you willing to pay for our service?
How much would you pay monthly if this application became a subscription? With the subscription you will get access to all services and will not have to pay a posting fee. Please answer in dollars and cents.
What comments or suggestions do you have for SWAP?
Which of the following would you be likely to buy or sell on SWAP?
If a college student, are you a domestic student or an international student?
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What is your age?
Which gender do you affiliate with?
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What is your annual salary?
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