Tell us what Persistent & Nasty means to you. 

Thank you for being a part of the Persistent and Nasty community. Your engagement and insights are essential as we continue our journey towards creating a more inclusive and equitable cultural landscape. We kindly request a few moments of your time to share your thoughts and feedback on various aspects of our project. Your responses will greatly assist us in refining and expanding our efforts. This feedback will also be used to support funding applications so that we can work towards a more sustainable future for Persistent and Nasty. So if what we do is important to you and you would like us to continue, please know that your feedback is invaluable to us as we work towards a brighter future for marginalised voices in theatre and film.

Thank you for taking the time to share your perspective with us. Your feedback is an invaluable contribution to our mission.

With thanks and Stay Nasty!

Louise and Elaine

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Email (optional)
How did you first find out about Persistent and Nasty? *
What element of our project was it that you found first? *
If you answer "other" to the above, can you add a little more detail?
What motivated you to engage with our initiative? (Select all that apply) *
If you answered "other" to the above, can you provide a little bit more information?
How has the Persistent and Nasty initiative impacted you personally?
In what ways do you believe the project contributes to the promotion of equality, diversity, and inclusion in theatre and film?
In what ways has the podcast influenced your perspective on gender equality, diversity, and inclusion in theatre and film?
Can you share a specific instance where our project has influenced your perspective or actions?
Do you feel that our advocacy efforts have contributed to positive change in the Scottish culture sector's working practices? Please provide examples if possible.
What topics or areas related to gender equality and diversity do you believe we should focus on for future advocacy work?
Have you attended a coffee morning, either online or in-person? *
If yes, how did they impact you and your connections within the industry?
How can we enhance the experience of our coffee mornings to further promote networking and collaboration among attendees?
What aspects of Persistent and Nasty do you particularly enjoy, and why? *
Are there areas you think we could improve upon or expand further?
Do you have any suggestions for new initiatives, topics, or collaborations we should consider?
Is it important to you that Persistent and Nasty should be able to continue the work it does? *
In your opinion, is Persistent and Nasty a project you think should be in receipt of formal funding? And if so, why?
If Persistent and Nasty was no longer able to continue, due to lack of support, what impact do you think this would have? *
Finally, if Persistent and Nasty is important to you, and you enjoy it, could you please provide a few short sentences explaining why that could be used as promotional material and in funding applications.  *
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