SSP DIY Membership Commitment Form
Welcome to Seattle Strength & Performance's DIY Membership! 
Please fill out the form below to choose which DIY membership you would like to add and give us a start date!

If you'd like more information on our DIY programs before committing to one, please email the team at 

From your start date, for 12 weeks (4 weeks for DIY Spartan Preseason), you will have access to one extra Personal Training session per week OR DIY Open Gym times to complete your weekly DIY training with our Bridge Athletic app.

An email will be sent to you by our Sales & Member Experience Team with confirmation of membership and other helpful info to get you started! 
Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
Email *
Please confirm your DIY membership of choice: *
Please confirm the date you'd like to start your membership
Please write below your NAME and today's DATE to confirm your membership commitment:
Is there anything else you would like to mention?
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