Please fill out all of the following information to request a free warranty replacement part. Be sure to enter in ALL relevant order numbers and part numbers needing to be replaced. Being as specific as possible aids us in getting your replacement part shipped out as soon as possible. We will ask that you keep the part that you have until you receive your replacement part & update us on the repair then you will receive further instructions for what to do with the original part that was sent.
You can expect a response from the returns department within TWO business days. If it has been longer than two business days, check your JUNK and SPAM folders; if you can not find the email, search your email inbox for
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What is your name? *
Order number *
List the full model number of your television. You must also include the SERIAL number (Vizio, Sharp, Hisense, TCL), VERSION number (Samsung), SERVICE CODE/SVC code, (LG) etc of your TV.  This information is located on the back of your television. If you have a different brand of television, we can ask for this information. *
Part number(s) *
If for some reason we are unable to provide you with a free warranty replacement part and we have to refund you, would you like your refund in the form of store credit or back to the original payment method? *
Have you received a free warranty replacement for this part yet? *
Did you receive the part you ordered? (If you ordered by the TV MODEL NUMBER alone, it is likely you have ordered the wrong part, click here for the link to our website where we warn against doing this.) If you think you did not receive the part you ordered, please have clear photos of both the front & back of the original part and the one you received ready, we will request these from you via email. Terms/ConditionsYou may receive a substitute part when ordering from us. If you feel you may have received the wrong part, please check to see if the part you received is a substitute for the part you ordered. You can always call in to let us help you confirm if this is the case.
What is the original issue in the TV? What was the TV doing before replacing any parts? *
What happened when you replaced the part? Note: If your TV's symptoms did not change after replacing the part, it is unlikely that this particular part is the issue in your set and we would recommend further troubleshooting. *
Do you have any comments related to this request?
I agree to the terms and conditions. *
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