Port Wallis United Church Volunteer Form
There is a guide on our website, that details out all the departments, boards, committees and what the roles and responsibilities are and their mission within Port Wallis United Church. You can view this on our website at: www.PortWallisUnitedChurch.ca/roles 
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Name *
Phone Number *
Street Address *
City  / Province *
Postal Code *
Where would you like to donate your Time or Talents at Port Wallis and volunteer?
Please indicate all areas of interest to you.

We always need new volunteers, even if not needed immediately, we will keep your name on file for future opportunities that arise.

Please note that some roles listed on our Time and Talent Donation form require specific training or skills, or official nominating via the annual nomination process. They may also have a set term.

Official Boards and Committee
Other Groups and Areas
If you have ticked 'other' in the previous section please add details here:
Please note:  Your returned information will be treated as confidential. Should you offer your name to volunteer for a particular function or committee, your name will be forwarded to the appropriate committee and they will be in touch with you.  Thank you, from the Salt and Light Committee
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