AFCA Incubator for Somalia
The African Fact-Checking Alliance (AFCA) is offering fact-checking training to media organisations based in Somalia with an interest in building a CheckDesk within their newsroom. A CheckDesk is a dedicated fact-checking/verification unit within a news organisation, fact-checking organisation or CSO. 

AFCA is an initiative by Code for Africa (CfA). CfA is the continent’s largest non-profit Open Source Intelligence (OSINT) & civic technology support network. 

Successful organisations will receive hands-on technical training and support to help the newsrooms develop economically viable models and establish editorial production systems for their CheckDesks.

The training will consist of a combination of webinars led by experts instructors, and courseware on a Mass Open Online Course (MOOC) with tip-sheets, assignments and other resources. Participants will receive mentorship and technical support on class projects, fact-checking tools and data.

By the end of the training participants will have learnt how to find misinformation, and how to research and debunk misleading information. Participants will also learn how to establish a fact-checking desk in their newsroom, what workflow systems to implement and how to build sustainability through diversified revenue models and impactful audience engagement.

You must complete this application form in order to be considered for this programme. The form is broken down into five parts: demographic information, fact-checking and verification skills, and digital skills.

We encourage you to be as candid as possible. Please note that we respect your privacy and any information shared with us will be confidential and will only be used for the stated objectives of this survey.

This form will take 5 - 10 minutes to complete

Email *
This section helps us understand who you are. 
What is your name?   *
Give us your FIRST name, and LAST name.
Where are you?  *
Tell us the country you're based in, so that we can figure out how best to support you locally. 
Language preference  *
Which of the following languages are you most comfortable with?   
Your Affiliation *
What is the type of your organisation?  
Your organisation's name?  *
What is the name of the organisation that you are affiliated with?  
Organisation Website  *
What is your organisation's website address?  
Organisation Twitter   *
What is your organisation's official Twitter account?   
Your role   *
Which of the following best describes your role at your organisation?  
This section helps us understand your level of experience, so that we can understand what kind of training would work best for you.  
Media Experience   *
How many years of experience do you have?  
Fact-checking experience  *
Have you ever worked in fact-checking before? If so, tell us what role you played, and share a link to the project. 
Expertise level   *
How will you describe your fact-checking skills?  
Which fact-checking tools have you used before?  *
If you have used fact-checking tools in your work, list them below.  
Workflow systems  *
Are you familiar with fact-checking processes and workflows?  
Not familiar
Very familiar
This section helps us understand your digital skills, so that we know what tools and techniques would be most appropriate for you.   
Your Portfolio 
Share the links to three of your favourite/best stories, published online over the last three years. 
Data Analysis & Storytelling  *
How would you describe your data analysis/storytelling skills, using spreadsheets, visualisation and infographic tools, and maps or interactives?  
Digital Research & Investigation  *
How would you describe your digital research/investigation skills, using OSINT (open source intelligence) tools, network analysis and advanced forensic research techniques?  
Multimedia Storytelling  *
How would you describe your multimedia storytelling skills, to create compelling digital content that combines text/images with audio/video to create narratives that can be shared across multiple platforms?  
Social Media & Audience Engagement  *
How would you describe your social media and audience engagement skills, using visual storytelling to craft viral video/content, while tapping into memes and hashtags, understanding audience targeting and amplifying impacts? 
Other information   *
Do you have any additional comments, or suggestions, not already covered above, that you think are important for us to consider while evaluating your application? 
Where did you learn about this opportunity? *
Can we send you a newsletter with all the latest opportunities/news? 
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