Interest form - Naomi Fata's book
Thank you for being interested in joining the launch team for Naomi Fata's upcoming devotional called "Stitching Your Story Piece by Peace: A 13-Week Devotional Pursuing the Peace of God.
The book is set to be released sometime in January or February 2025.

Launch team members will be expected to do these things:
1) Preorder the book (required)
2) Read the PDF version in advance of publication
3) Share about the book at least once on social media during the three-week launch
4) Post an Amazon review once the book is published

As a launch team member, you will be coached on how to do all these things, and you'll also have chances to win weekly prizes from Naomi.

The official launch team application will be open soon. You'll need to fill out that form in the future if you want to join the team.

To be notified when it opens, please leave your name and email address below. I'll send you an email when it's ready!

Thank you,

Sarah Geringer
Book Launch Manager
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