UAA Enrollment Signature Page
Please read the Enrollment Packet. This signature page confirms that you have read all of the policies, release forms and understand its information. Only a parent/guardian should electronically sign this form.

Enrollment Packet:
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Student First and Last Name:
1. Medical Release: When I/We cannot be located, the administrator, or principal designee, is authorized to act in case of illness, accident or other emergency involving the student named above, and I/we agree to be responsible for incurred medical costs.
Parent Signature
2. Information Release: I/We authorize permission to release name, address, and phone number for use in a student directory and/or carpool/bus list. I/We also authorize permission to release name, and other information as needed to universities, colleges, and the Armed Forces.
Parent Signature
3. Acceptable Use Agreement: I agree that my student will follow all expectations and guidelines as outlined in the acceptable use policy.
Parent Signature
4. Disclosure/ School Compact Agreement: I agree that my student will follow all expectations and guidelines as outlined in the Disclosure Document/ School Compact. This form outlines behavior, academic and performance expectations. It also discusses proper communication and conflict resolution.
Parent Signature
5. Video/ Photo Release Agreement: I have read and understand the contents, meaning, and impact of the release form. I hereby certify that I am the parent/guardian of the below student, and give my consent without reservation.
Parent Signature
6. School Fees Agreement:  I have read and understand the policy for School Fees and Refund policies.
Parent Signature
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