PMIP Interglacials Community Survey
PMIP is currently drafting the simulation portfolio and the modelling protocol for the next round of the model intercomparison. This involves surveys that shall aid us in preparing the next phase of PMIP in a way that is most useful to the climate science community. The Work Group Interglacials (see for more details on this Work Group) would like to kindly ask you for your input via this first of the PMIP community surveys. In this context we would like to reach out to scientists who
  1. create interglacial simulations for PMIP
  2. use output from such simulations
  3. are interested or involved in PMIP interglacials.

PMIP is a community effort and should serve the scientific goals of the climate science community. Consequently your input is valuable to us.

Our survey includes ten questions that are thematically grouped into four sections. These sections relate to:

  • your scientific interest in PMIP Interglacials
  • details of the model(s) you plan to use in the next phase of PMIP (only relevant if you are a member of a PMIP modelling group)
  • your interest in getting involved in shaping PMIP Interglacials
  • your experience with PMIP Interglacials and wishes towards the next phase of the model intercomparison
Please note that answering any of the questions does not mean a firm commitment at this time, but carefully considered answers will help the Work Group Interglacials to establish a solid simulation portfolio for the upcoming model intercomparison.

You may choose to omit answering questions that are not applicable or irrelevant to you. No part of this survey contains input fields that are mandatory, except for your agreement to the data protection notice below.

A note on privacy

Whether or not you stay anonymous in this survey remains your choice.

If you would like your answers being linked to your person, then please kindly leave an email address in the contact information field below; otherwise just leave this field empty. Email addresses will not be automatically harvested and your response will stay anonymous unless you explicitly reveal your identity to us. In case you would like to link your name to some responses, but remain anonymous with respect to other responses, then please feel free to submit both an anonymous and a named response to this survey. Additional responses can be submitted if you reopen the link to this survey in a new browser tab.

If you are willing to contribute to shaping PMIP Interglacials, then we will greatly appreciate if you leave us an email address. We will then be able to add you to a PMIP Interglacials mailing list so that you stay up-to-date with, and have the possibility to contribute to, developments in the work group.

The data collected from this form by the PMIP Work Group Interglacials will be stored only for as long as is necessary for the purpose for which it was collected. You may at any time request deletion of the information that you provided via an email to the work group's leaders (to do so, you may find the relevant email address in the info box "contact" at Personal data will only be shared and handled by the PMIP work group leaders. If you provide an email address or similar personal information, this will only be used by the PMIP work group leaders to contact you regarding this survey. Your details will not be used for any other purpose than supporting planning and development of the next round of the model intercomparison in PMIP. If information we have about you is inaccurate, out of date or incomplete, then you have the right to have it rectified. For this, and any other requests, concerns, or questions regarding this notice please contact as well the email address that you find at the website mentioned above.

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Contact information
Please leave your email address in case you would like us to be able to get back to you. Filling this field enables you to reveal your identity to us. Like all other fields of the survey, answering this field is not mandatory and it may be left blank if you prefer to stay anonymous.
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