ワークショップ”Letter to the editor”への登録について。Registration for workshop "Letter to the Editor"
本ワークショップは今年初の試みとなります。Letter to the editorを執筆し、実際にてんかん学分野の英文学術雑誌へ投稿することをゴールとしております。

The goal of this workshop is to write a letter to the editor and submit it to an English journal in the field of epileptology.
Please answer these questions and send the answer form. Please note that registration will not finish if you do not push the button "send form". We need your e-mail address to send you the PDF of the articles which we choose to discuss. This information is used for only the purpose associated with this workshop.
At this time (July 3, 2021), participants from Japan will be required to attend on-site in principle, in accordance with the policy of the conference. Participants need to register for the Annual Meeting of Japanese Epilepsy Society because this workshop is a part of the session in the Annual Meeting.
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お名前を教えてください。日本の方は、漢字でお願いします。Please tell us your name.
あなたの職業・職種を教えてください。当てはまるもの全てにチェックしてください。What is your occupation? Please check all that apply.
あなたの所属施設は以下のどれに属しますか。当てはまるもの全てにチェックしてください。Which type of your affiliation? Please check all that apply. *
学位について教えてください。What is your academic degree?
卒後何年目になりますか。How many years has it been since you graduated?
あなたの研究テーマは以下のどれですか(複数回答可)。Which is the area of your research topic? Please check all that apply.
あなたはYESのメンバーですか。Are you a member of YES (Young Epilepsy Section)?
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今まで何回論文を査読付き雑誌に投稿したことがありますか。How many times have you submitted manuscripts to peer-review journal? (Any types of articles. Does not matter if it was accepted or not.)
今まで何回論文を査読付き英文雑誌に投稿したことがありますか。How many times have you submitted manuscripts to peer-review English journal? (Any types of articles. Does not matter if it was accepted or not.)
今まで何回Letter to the editorを英語で書いたことがありますか。How many times have you experienced writing manuscript of "Letter to the Editor" in English? (Any types of articles. Does not matter if it was accepted or not.)
今まで何回論文の査読をしたことがありますか。How many times have you peer-reviewed articles?
Letter to the Editorの共著者としてワークショップに参加することに同意しますか?(英文校正料が発生する場合は、著者全員に負担していただく予定です):Do you agree with participating in the workshop as a co-authors of the Letter to the Editor? (If there is an English editing fee, they will be paid equally by all authors.)
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論文を批判的に読むことにどれくらい自信がありますか。How confident are you about reading papers critically?
とても自信がない:Much less confident
とても自信がある:Much more confident
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論文を書くことに対するモチベーションはどの程度ですか。How motivated are you to write your paper?
とても低い:Much less motivated
とても高い:Much more motivated
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Letter to the editorを書くことに対するモチベーションはどの程度ですか。How motivated are you to write a letter to the editor?
とても低い:Much less motivated
とても高い:Much more motivated
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A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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