2022 Data Science Research Bazaar Workshops
To help promote digital literacy and sharing of computational and data science skills, the Research Bazaar will include workshops. The planning committee seeks proposals for interactive, inclusive workshops related to the theme of Data and Communities: Sharing and Protecting Data. Presenters from all disciplines are encouraged to apply.

This year, we encourage submissions that fit our overarching theme of Data and Communities: Sharing and Protecting Data, though workshops are not required to fit under one of the sub-themes.  

- Communities with Data / Data about communities
- Protected Data
- Data Ethics
- Methodologies & Tools
- Open Data, Software, and Curricula

Workshops will be held either in person or virtually. The format will be the choice of the presenter. The workshops should fit into 90 min.

Proposed sessions should:

- Incorporate active-learning activities (https://blendedtoolkit.wisc.edu/deliver/activelearning/), be interactive (for example, using live coding)
- Use real or simulated data
- Platform/operating system agnostic
- Reproducible or openly available lessons are preferred
- Preference will go to early-career academics/professionals

The planning committee welcomes workshop proposals on all topics related to data science and/or research computing skills or tools. The following should be seen only as a source of possible inspiration, not as suggestions or requirements: Web Scraping, Text Mining, Natural Language Processing (NLP), Machine Learning for Beginners, Linear Modeling, Model Building, Data Tidy-ness, SQL, Database Curation, and other related tools, processes, or pipelines.
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First Name *
Last Name *
Contact email *
Company/Affiliation *
Would you prefer your session be in-person or virtual?
Note: We may move all in-person session to virtual depending on the current best practices for large events. We will create a back-up Zoom room for all sessions in case they need to be moved.
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What is the theme of this workshop submission? *
Note: Your workshop is not required to fit in the themes to be considered; please fill in the other option if so.
What is the max number of learners for this session? *
Recommendations: The suggested number of learners is 35-40 for in-person sessions and 15-20 for online workshops.  Please indicate the max number below or enter 0 for no limit.  You may also enter any negative number to indicate you'd like advice on the number of participants.
Would you like this workshop session to be recorded? (Your answer will not impact our review process) *
Please provide the title of your workshop.
Please provide a brief description of what you plan to share with the community during the workshop. (300 words or less) *
Successful applications will: Clearly articulate interactive components and learning outcomes. Describe content and activities that will successfully use the 1.5-2-hour allotted time, including a drafted timetable for the workshops; Describe the intended audience and relevance to the Research Bazaar; Promote an accessible and inclusive experience. Describe relevant prior teaching experience
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