Vendor Registration
Vendor and Artist move-in begins at 6pm on Friday, and goes until 10pm. The Dealer's Room is open to attendees from  11am-8pm Saturday, and 11am-5pm Sunday. You are not required to be open the entire time. Your booth(s) is/are your responsibility, we cannot assign staff to guard or watch your space. Requests to be near a wall or outlet are considered, but not promised. Wifi is available to all of our vendors and artists, which we will be glad to help you with. The Dealer's Room will be locked each evening per University rules, so leaving booths overnight is safe and encouraged. As FreeCon approaches, you will receive space assignments, directions on where to unload, and how the Dealer's Room works; there will plenty of time for corrections, changes, and correspondence, so simply fill out the form to the best of your knowledge. Filling out this form is no guarantee of acceptance. A confirmation email with payment information, followed by a receipt of payment is the only way to be assured space.
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