Canva Developers Innovation fund: Grant application
Thank you for your interest in the Canva Developers Innovation Fund. Before filling out this form, please confirm that your app aligns with our funding focus areas:
  • Free design apps: The best apps allow users to pick them up and use them to create beautiful designs as quickly as possible. This means no signup or login, and no paywall friction. With this in mind, we're offering grants for developers creating innovative, free design apps on the Apps Marketplace.
  • Apps by underrepresented developers: We’re looking to fund the best apps for our diverse, global community, and with this in mind we’re particularly focused on financing developers developers that are BIPOC, LGBTQIA+, or from under-served regions, such as Africa.
Email *
First Name *
Last Name *
Company Name
Company Website
Country of residence *
What kind of funding are you applying for? *
You do not need to apply through this form to be eligible for App Adoption Awards.
Tell us about yourself and your app idea? *
How is your app idea unique from what is available today? *
Why will your app be impactful for the community? *
How will this funding assist you? *
Canva Developer Community Profile Name at
Link to your app or work-in-progress designs or mock-ups.
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