Volunteer Log for 23-24

Natomas Charter School was created as a means of providing parents and students with an expanded
choice in the types of educational opportunities available. The school is founded on the belief that active
parental involvement in the school's program is a key component to student success. Because the
charter's mission is to provide unique learning opportunities to its students, the school needs committed
parents who are willing to assist the staff and faculty in making this happen. To this end, Star Academy asks that all families contribute to our established school wide goal of 18,000 parent contribution hours for the 2023-2024 school year (an average participation of 30 hours per family)

Please complete this form to log your volunteer hours. This will help us to learn if we have met our volunteer goals listed above. It will also allow us to acknowledge and celebrate you throughout the year and at our end of the year Volunteer Assembly.

Logging weekly or monthly would be helpful. Thank you!

Warm regards,

Diana Wilson
Star Academy
Natomas Charter School


Email *
Your First and Last Name *
Your child(ren)'s name(s)  *
How many hours did you volunteer? *
How did you volunteer for the hours noted in the last question? *
If you selected "other" in the last question please let us know how you volunteered.
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