Cylinder inquiry form
Use this chart to specify the set-up purchase cylinders to fit your use.
This chart is based on carbon steel cylinders, if other types of cylinders are required, please e-mail us.
Air Liquide Offshore will contact you with a quote.
If you have any problems or questions, please contact us on:
E-mail: or
Phone: +47 56 33 44 33
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Email *
Company *
Address *
Contact person *
Number of cylinders required *
Design pressure
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Size of cylinder *
Custom paint (ex NORSOK M501 system 1) please also specify desired RAL colour
Do you want cylinders filled with gas *
If yes on previous, which gas do you require
Type of valve for cylinders. What is the application for the cylinder? See link for normal valve connections, (DIN most common in Norway). *
Any other equipment, hoses, extra seals, couplings needed, please specify below.
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