Social Determinants of Health Caucus – Propose a Caucus Event Form!
The Social Determinants of Health Caucus is now accepting proposals for congressional briefings. The Caucus will consider working with outside groups to host briefings that provide insight on social determinants issues, best practices, and policy ideas to combat social determinants. Please provide details on your proposed event below. Thorough and complete responses are most likely to be considered by the caucus. For questions, please contact Filling out this form does not guarantee that the caucus will host your event.
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Your Name *
Title *
Organization *
Email *
Phone *
What negative social determinant or policy area would you like to discuss?
What information, best practices, or policy solutions will the event offer lawmakers and other stakeholders? Why should the caucus host this briefing?
Is there specific legislation that has been introduced related to this topic that you think should be discussed?
What organizations and individuals would brief lawmakers and stakeholders?
Are there other caucus or committees we should partner with on this briefing?
Ideally, when would you like the caucus to host the event?
Ideally, how long would the event be?
Is this a virtual or in-person event?
Please provide any additional details here.
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