Design feedback for Apple Podcasts (<4 min survey)
Please provide your feedback regarding the Apple Podcasts app. We appreciate your honest responses based on how you would like the experience to be improved.

Note: This survey is conducted for a UX Research course, and is not affiliated with Apple in any way. Your responses are anonymous.
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Please take a moment to examine the two designs. Check both boxes to confirm you see the difference in wording between the two (above "Recently Updated"). *
1. Without any context, which do you prefer? *
2. Please elaborate on your decision above. What is the functionality you expect from clicking on the selection you made above? If you selected "no preference," what is the functionality you expect from clicking either option? *
3. Imagine that you are sitting in the passenger seat of a car. Your friend is driving and has asked you to play an episode that she hasn't heard yet from a Podcast that she is subscribed to. Based on the designs, in which do you expect to find what you are looking for? *
4. Please elaborate. What influenced your selection in 3? *
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