Registration for the schedule of live-streams hosted from Nepal by Sakya Friends (with translations in around 10 languages) 
Updated schedule of Sakya Friends live-streams in February-March.
Empowerment of Buddha Shakyamuni (accompanied by Maitreya and Avalokiteshvara) is rescheduled to be given by H.E. the 26th Chogye Trichen two times for different time zones on February 9, Sunday from Lumbini in Nepal. First time Rinpoche will bestow it on February 9, Sunday, at 6:45 am Nepal, 8 am Vietnam, 9 am Taiwan, 12 pm (midday) Canberra which is on the previous day Saturday for Americas: 8 pm New York, 5 pm LA, 7 pm Mexico, 10 pm Brasilia on  February 8.  Second time it will be given at a usual hours:  13:00 CET, 7 am New York, 5:45 pm Nepal, 15:00 Moscow, 12:00 (midday) Portugal/London, 9 am Brasilia, 19:00 Vietnam/Philippines, 20:00 Taiwan/China/HK/UB, 4 am Los Angeles, 11 pm Canberra. Duration each time is a bit over one hour. 

On February 15-16 (Saturday and Sunday) 13:00-14:30 CET Khenpo Dr Ngawang Jorden, the principal of the International Buddhist Academy, at the request of Sakya Friends will explain the most studied Tibetan text of lojong – Seven Point Mind training:

Events are hosted by Sakya Friends and will be translateded/live-streamed in around 10 languages on Zoom. Time zones and details as well as March schedule are published below.

 Zoom registration for all upcoming live-streams (in English):

(in other languages below). Everyone registered will receive an email with the Zoom link not later than 3 hours before the event.

In-person registration for participation in Kathmandu, Nepal:

 Registration for ZOOM in other languages:

Chinese (and Cantonese):









 Time zones for February 9 and Feb.15-16 events: 13:00 CET, 7 am New York, 5:45 pm Nepal, 15:00 Moscow, 12:00 (midday) Portugal/London, 9 am Brasilia, 19:00 Vietnam/Philippines, 20:00 Taiwan/China/HK/UB, 4 am Los Angeles, 11 pm Canberra. Duration each day is around one hour and a half.

 LANGUAGES. Sakya Friends is organizing translations/live-streams in 10 languages: English, Spanish, Mandarin Chinese, Vietnamese, Cantonese, Nepali, Italian, French and Russian (Mongolian on February 6 only).


After receiving this empowerment there is no strict requirement for a daily sadhana practice. However, anyone may voluntarily take up a commitment of doing the practice. One can practice mantras of Buddha Shakyamuni, Maitreya and Avalokiteshvara and/or the related sadhana which will be shared in the Zoom chat. This sadhana was received from H.H. the Sakya Trichen in Tibetan and translated by Sakya Friends into English and other languages. 
For receiving a Sakya empowerment there are commitments also mentioned in the Seven-Limb Prayer (which is recited at the start of any Sakya empowerment): confessing all the negative deeds, rejoicing in the virtuous deeds of beings, directing one's mind towards aspiring and engaging bodhichitta, taking the Buddhist refuge and bodhisattva vows. On the day of this empowerment it is recommended to keep the vegetarian diet.

Explanation of Buddha Shakyamuni sadhana by Lama Choedak Rinpoche:


For making offerings to H.E. 26th Chogye Trichen please use the PayPal site:

 Support us:

Only donations from the audience support Sakya Friends’ ability to organize Dharma live-streams in many languages and free of charge.

Donations for Sakya Friends can be made via PayPal site: 

 NEXT DHARMA EVENTS requested and hosted Sakya Friends (hours are mostly the same: 13:00 CET, 5:45 pm Nepal):

On March 1 (Saturday) H.E. the 26th Chogye Trichen Rinpoche will bestow the empowerment of Maitreya (next Buddha) in Kathmandu.

On March 8 (Saturday) H.E. the 26th Chogye Trichen Rinpoche will bestow the empowerment of Namtösé (Vaishravana, the wealth deity in Vajrayana Buddhism) in Kathmandu two times: at 5:45 pm Nepal and also earlier – at 8:15 am Nepal, which is 10:30 am Taiwan and for Americas that is March 7 Friday evening: 9:30 pm New York, 6:30 pm LA.

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All registered participants will receive an email with the Zoom details not less than 2 hours before the live stream. If you don't receive the email, please check your spam folder.

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HH the 41st Sakya Trichen - the supreme head of the Sakya order (school) of Tibetan Buddhism - in the letter of support for Sakya Friends said that "the group has successfully organized live simultaneous translation into more than ten languages". HH summarized that we have live-streamed "over a hundred Zoom events of Sakya teachings and empowerments". His Holiness added: "I pray for Sakya Friends' success in all their virtuous endeavours. May these always be auspicious and help countless beings swiftly progress on the path to liberation". Also His Holiness wrote "I am happy to give my full blessing to the group's request to be guided by Lama Choedak Rinpoche as their spiritual mentor". HH letters are published here: and at the bottom of this form. 
Letter of His Holiness the Sakya Trichen for Sakya Friends 
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Global accumulation of OM MANI PADME HUM mantra
His Holiness the Sakya Trichen gave blessing to Sakya Friends to organize global accumulation of OM MANI PADME HUM (Avalokiteshvara) mantra. Everyone is welcome to participate and add numbers of accumulated mantras to the form:  
 13 million mantras from 36 countries were already submitted to His Holiness in August 2023. Numbers of accumulated mantras can still be added to the forms in each language: Spanish:, Chinese:, Vietnamese: , Russian: , Nepali: , Mongolian: , Polish: , Hungarian: , Italian:, French , Portuguese: . Detailed explanation of the mantra meaning by His Holiness is translated and published in the accumulation forms in each language. 

About the 26th Chogye Trichen Rinpoche: 

H.E. Chogye Trichen Rinpoche is the 26th throne holder of the Tsarpa sub-school of Sakya tradition of Tibetan Buddhism. 

The throne-holders of Chogye Trichen are all selected from Tibet’s “Che” family of the Kushang blood lineage. This tradition was passed down since the 1st Chogye Tripa(meaning the ‘Throne holder of Chogye’), where all throne holders of Chogye Trichen were selected from the male blood lineage of Kushang blood line.
The 1st Chogye Trichen was His Eminence Khenrab Chogye. Tibet’s Nalendra Monastery where the previous 25 Chogye Trichen Rinpoches were stationed, was established by the esteemed Rongton Sheja Kunrig in 1435. The throne holders since the esteemed Rongton Sheja Kunrig till the 6th throne holders were extremely outstanding, thus enabling the practice and spread of dharma to flourish in that period. However, Nalendra monastery faced with a decline during the time of the 7th throne holder. Upon the parinirvana of the 7th throne holder, the monastery invited the then Sakya Trizin to appoint their 8th throne holder.  During which, the Kushang family were noble and influential, where many members of the family were the emanations of bodhisattvas, which produced innumerable accomplished practitioners. Therefore, the then Sakya Trizin appointed His Eminence Khenrab Chogye as the 8th throne holder, the 1st Chogye Trichen. His Holiness the 5th Dalai Lama gave an edict in the same time period that the throne holders of Chogye Trichen should be selected from the male blood line of the famed Kushang lineage. 

In 2003, heeding the advice of his root Guru H.E. the 25th Chogye Trichen Rinpoche, the future 26th Chogye Trichen Rinpoche joined Sakya College. Under the tutorship and guidance of most venerable Khenpo Sonam Gyatso, Rinpoche has completed His ten years study and graduated with a Ka Chu Pa Degree from Sakya College in 2013. During the stint of his studies, he was appointed as an assistant teacher at Sakya College. H.E. the 26th Chogye Trichen Rinpoche has also travelled far and wide around the world to Europe, America, Singapore, China, Indonesia, Malaysia and many other countries to bestow precious empowerments and teachings.

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