GWHS Be Inspired Teacher Grant Application
The Be Inspired Fund is a parent-driven fundraising vehicle that aims to provide qualified private support to benefit George Washington High School ("GW"). Funding requests are reviewed and approved by the Be Inspired Committee in consultation with appropriate school officials. The Be Inspired Fund will comply with all applicable laws and regulations, as well as all ethical standards required of those operating within GW and DPS institutions, in general.

Be Inspired Fund Mission Statement: Parents and community members are inspired to support all George Washington faculty and students with annual funds to enrich the student experience.

Guidelines and Process:

Please submit this form at least six weeks prior to event date or purchase is to be made to ensure we are able to process your request and give you access to funding.

Funding considerations will be made with the following in mind:

Are enough details provided to make an informed decision?
Will the project provide continual opportunities and/or lasting benefits for students?
Will the funding purchase something or pay for a service that helps achieve the mission and goals of the Be Inspired Fund and is it aligned with GW’s Major Improvement Strategies?
Are there enough bids to ensure GW is getting the best value?
Can the funding be obtained via other sources?
Would the funding purchase something that is redundant with existing GW programming?

Be Inspired funding priorities are to:

Support unique/one-time opportunities. (For example - an outside speaker, performer or artist in residence.)
Purchase capital items that will provide year-over-year benefit. (For example - reusable supplies not covered by school budget.)
Encourage innovation by funding start-up projects or expanding existing programs. (For example - materials needed to start or grow a club or program.)

Funds must be spent during the academic year in which the grant is approved and within thirty days of receipt of approval.   Upon approval of a grant, teachers should work with the school treasurer to make necessary purchases, and the treasurer will seek reimbursement from the Be Inspired Annual Fund.  
In addition, funds are approved within limits of the money available. Generally, grant requests made for the following are not considered: athletic teams, food/beverages for clubs/activities and anything that is already fully funded by the school's budget.

Upon receipt and use of funds, grantees will be invited to share their results of their program implementation.

Grant requests will be reviewed three times annually and must be submitted by one of the following dates: Oct 15th, Dec 15th or March 1st.
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