As our forefathers once said, “choosing JAMS is the only decision for all your video needs.” Well not really. You see, back in those times, there weren’t even videos (how terrible).  Mr. Washington had to lead an army against the British and found a country all just to achieve enough popularity to become president.  But now as we venture forth into the modern age, there is a MUCH EASIER way to achieve more impact, more sales, and more views. All you have to do is post an interesting video, and people go craaaaaaazy. Take a look at any popular organization’s social media. Videos… videos… videos…, they're everywhere! It's the most effective form of marketing ever. 

But we do understand that making videos sometimes might make you feel like you're back in the constitutional convention stressing out about whatever nation bollocks. So we’re here to help, but not at the crazy prices you see for the professional stuff (we’re just two fellas having fun making videos). JAMS is your all accessible solution to your video needs. Whether you have been needing more out of your marketing or need a video done for a project, we got your back! 

Use this form to give us the information we need to start creating your dream video. Just leave the video to us and you get back to running your nation. Once our team looks this over, we'll get back to you with the invoice and get cracking. This whole thingaling can take a few weeks however. But, once the order is received, we'll give you a better idea on timing and film dates.

Cheers - JAMS Team

PS. Email us directly at Jett@justanothermoviestudio.com or Jack@justanothermoviestudio.com for anything at all.

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Description of Organization (This is crucial towards our video process, please be detailed) *
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What exactly do you want this video to accomplish? *
Goals of Video *
Quick Vision of Video (It's ok of you don't have one)
Other Notes: (music choice, speed, etc.)
Silliness Level (1 = very serious, 5 = we'll have fun with it)
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