Don't forget... What the Tories did!
Add your grievance to the growing list of things the Tories did.
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Don't forget... What the Tories did!

If you're here, that means you've probably got an example of a something the Tories have done that makes you not want to vote for them.

We're looking for specific examples, rather than broad statements. It could be something the party has done, like passing damaging legislation or having a piss-up during a pandemic, or something individuals have said or done, like threatening to beat up journalists or molesting people. Or anything else. We want it all.

Ideally, we're just looking for examples of recent government - since they came to power in 2010 - we don't need to be reminded what Thatcher was like.

If you've got several examples, post them as separate submissions.

What's something we've forgotten about the Tories? *
Have you got a link?
If you've got a link to an article, tweet, or picture, it would be really helpful. Paste the URL in here.
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