Collector and Collection Point Sign-up Form
Thank you for your interest in becoming a Collector or a Collection Point!

Collectors are sweethearts who want to collect #Tops&Tags but cannot store large quantities. As a Collector you will need to deliver your #Tops&Tags to a Collection Point.

Collection Points serve as "hubs" such as your home or workplace where people living in close proximity who want to join up with us and start collecting Tops and Tags can contact you and make a delivery.

As we continue to grow it is getting more and more difficult to reach everyone and this is the best idea to help us continue. In addition you get to be more involved and actually interact with other sweethearts out there!
Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
Separating Tops and Tags
#Tops&Tags are different types of plastic! Sweethearts are requested to help ensure that the #Tops&Tags are separated from each other and that there are no other bits and pieces, not doing this can jeopardise our whole initiative!
Give the Gift of Movement by collecting #Tops&Tags!
What capacity of Tops and Tags are you able to store? *
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