2025 Imaginarium Volunteer Application
Please answer all questions as completely and accurately as possible. This will help us place you in a position and time slots that will best benefit you and the rest of our staff. We appreciate your interest in Imaginarium!

Please note, Imaginarium staff has the right to reject any and all applications based on your availability and the needs of the event. We will do our best to accommodate you in the positions you choose, but we cannot guarantee placement. If you have any questions or need to amend your application, please contact us at info@entertheimaginarium.com.
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First Name *
Last Name *
Your email address *
Date of Birth *
What size t-shirt do you need? *
(Every volunteer will receive a t-shirt to wear while on duty.)
Do you live in or near Louisville? *
(Within daily driving distance.)
If No, where do you live?
Will you be available for the Thursday night meeting on July 17th? *
Have you ever volunteered for a convention before? *
If yes, what events?
What skills do you have?
(This will help us better match you to a volunteer position.)
What areas of the event are you interested in working? *
(Click all that apply.)
What days and times are NOT currently available?
Do you have any special or technical needs that would preclude you from performing certain functions?
Clear selection
If yes, What functions are you incapable of performing?
(i.e. - standing for 2 hours, lifting more than 10 lbs, etc. -- This information is confidential and will be shared only with the volunteer coordinator for scheduling purposes.)
Is there anything else that you wish to be sure that we know about you?
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